I’m Phoebe. I love to write about thoughts and feelings—both mine and yours. I would get in a fistfight over how stories are the most important connective tissue of humanity. Really. My life as a writer, podcaster & storyteller, social media natural, film/media-maker, and general time traveler is dedicated to this belief.
I’m a historian who is more interested in cosmic entanglements than linear time. I adore and strive to live by Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “grammar of animacy.” Going on a walk and listening to Krista Tippett’s voice nurtures me. I stan Yoga With Adriene.
I was the Librarian, archivist, de facto historian, and unofficially official culture keeper in the home office of Wieden & Kennedy- the world’s best creative agency- for ten years. I got to spend time collecting stories from the two dudes (my ad dads) who founded the place, and their colleagues and friends. So, I had the coolest job there.
I recently returned to periodically help W+Kers travel back in time and talk about ideas that light us up, like “how to organize as a slime mold,” and “creativity is a set of values.” So, somehow, I have an even cooler job now.
Before that, I worked on a massive Ruby on Rails wiki project for Meyer Memorial Trust. I also helped to teach nonprofits how to use technology tools and wrote blog posts and social media guides. It didn’t seem odd that a Librarian would be a great fit for that role. Sure, I’m a writer and a weirdo, but I also like to geek out on technology and build digital things.
I became a librarian because being a filmmaker was really exhausting and unhealthy for me. I was crazy enough to write and direct my own feature film. It is an 80’s comedy that’s a love/hate letter to my high school days spent in Puyallup and Tacoma, Washington distributed by Indiepix, NY.
I’m a child of the I5 corridor- born in a hippie commune on Golden Gate Ave in SF, raised all over, and finally returned to my childhood favorite—Portland, Or. I spend my time with my main dude, a geek; our child, a dog trapped in a human body; and our friends, all weirdos.